This is Mystiz, a made in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 software engineer. Currently stationed at Taiwan 🇹🇼 working for Google.


I am better-known as a Capture the Flag player and I hacked with Black Bauhinia as a former captain and Shellphish. I like to struggle at crypto and reverse challenges, and sometimes pulling my hair on ad hoc problems. You may expect me doing writeups on the challenges I liked. I played DEFCON CTF Finals thrice on 2019, 2020 and 2021, and a finalist for Blackhat MEA CTF 2023 and SECCON CTF 2023.

I am also a challenge author who contributed to Google CTF, Bauhinia CTF, HKCERT CTF, USCB iCTF and so on. If you want to predict what challenges I will come up next, read my writeups with the tag #challenge-writing! Some personal highlights: