This is yet another edition of Google CTF, where I wrote some crypto challenges with my colleagues. I contributed on three challenges this time, namely, Blinders, ZKPOK and IDEA. There are respectively 56, 3 and 4 solves (out of 267 teams scoring non-zero flags) during the contest period.

Blinders is one of the challenges I coauthored, which introduces a protocol for private set membership.

Challenge Summary

If you are really efficient at guessing which number is missing from {0, 1, …, 255}, I am more than happy to share you the flag!

nc 1337


This challenge introduces a private set membership protocol called Blinders, which the server has the set $S$. The client wants to privately check whether a given $\text{id}$ is a member of the set $S$.

Note over Client: Generates a random key r Note over Client: Computes eid := H(id)·r Client->Server: eid Note over Server: Generates a random key k Note over Server: Computes eid₁ := H(id₁)·k, ...,\n eidₙ := H(idₙ)·k and deid := eid·k Server->Client: eid₁, ..., eidₙ, deid Note over Client: Computes eid' := deid·r⁻¹ Note over Client: Knows that id ∈ S if\neid' := eidᵢ for some i.

In the challenge, $S = \{1, 2, …, 256\} \setminus \{x\}$ for a random value $x \in \{1, 2, …, 256\}$. The goal is to find $x$ given two calls to the private set membership protocol… 16 times.

📝 Note. We will use $S = \{1, 2, …, 256\} \setminus \{x\}$ instead of $\{0, 1, …, 255\} \setminus \{x\}$ defined in the actual challenge for presentation purposes.


Two bugs of Blinders

We will cover the two bugs of Blinders that could be chained together in our case.

🪲 The order bug. $\text{eid}_i$’s not being shuffled.

Since the $\text{eid}_i$’s are not shuffled, we have

$$\text{eid}_i = \begin{cases} \text{H}(i) \cdot k & \text{if} \ i < x, \\ \text{H}(i + 1) \cdot k & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}$$

🐛 The subset bug. The client can query, not necessarily effectively, if a chosen set $T$ (of $m$ entries) is a subset of $S$.

The client can send $\text{eid} := \sum_{t \in T} \text{H}(t)$ to the server. Then $T \subseteq S$ iff there exists $i_1, i_2, …, i_{m}$ such that $\text{eid}_{i_1} + \text{eid}_{i_2} + … + \text{eid}_{i_m} = \text{deid}$.

Assume that we want to check if $\{2, 3\} \subseteq S$. We can send $\text{eid} := \text{H}(2) + \text{H}(3)$ to the server. The server then responds us with $(\text{eid}_1, \text{eid}_2, …, \text{eid}_n, \text{deid})$. We then can search for $i, j \in \{1, 2, …, 256\}$ such that $\text{eid}_i + \text{eid}_j = \text{deid}$. If such $(i, j)$ exists, we can claim that $\{2, 3\} \subseteq S$.

Recover $x$ with only two calls

We can send $\text{eid} := \text{H}(2) + \text{H}(4) + … + \text{H}(256)$ and $\text{eid}' := \text{H}(1) + \text{H}(3) + … + \text{H}(255)$ to the server. Let $(\text{eid}_1, \text{eid}_2, …, \text{eid}_{255}, \text{deid})$ and $(\text{eid}'_1, \text{eid}'_2, …, \text{eid}'_{255}, \text{deid}')$ be the corresponding responses from the server.

  1. If $x$ is odd, we have $(\text{eid}_2 + \text{eid}_4 + … + \text{eid}_{x-1}) + (\text{eid}_x + \text{eid}_{x+2} + … + \text{eid}_{255}) = \text{deid}$.
  2. If $x$ is even, we have $(\text{eid}'_1 + \text{eid}'_3 + … + \text{eid}'_{x-1}) + (\text{eid}'_x + \text{eid}'_{x+2} + … + \text{eid}'_{254}) = \text{deid}'$.

For instance, we can determine if $x = 15$ by checking whether

$$(\text{eid}_2 + \text{eid}_4 + … +\text{eid}_{14}) + (\text{eid}_{15} + \text{eid}_{17} + … + \text{eid}_{255}) = \text{deid}.$$

We can likewise learn if $x = 24$ with

$$(\text{eid}'_1 + \text{eid}'_3 + … + \text{eid}'_{23}) + (\text{eid}'_{24} + \text{eid}'_{26} + … + \text{eid}'_{254}) = \text{deid}'.$$

Therefore we can recover $x$ with two oracle calls. Repeating the progress 16 times, we have the flag: CTF{pr1v4t3_s3t_m3mb3rsh1p_qu3r135_m3d4_m0r3_p0w3rfu1}.