DEF CON CTF Quals 2021: Day 2

DEF CON CTF Quals 2021: Day 1
I played DEF CON CTF Quals once again with @Shellphish and we ended up at the 10th place. This blog post describes what actually was going on from my side. If you are looking for an informative blog post, this is not a good-read for you. There would be a little useful information, since I am just hanging around most of the time. I will even shamelessly copy some memes online to make the blog post looked rich in content.
After all, I am only able to solve nooombers (on day 1), qoo-or-ooo and back-to-qoo (on day 2). What happened on day 2 from my point of view is considerably more interesting.
PlaidCTF 2021: Leaky Block Cipher

PlaidCTF this year had very insane challenges. Although I have spent a lot of time working on those crypto challenges, I was only able to solve leaky block cipher.
This completely legitimate™ block cipher looks a bit like GCM, but my computer plumber keeps complaining about water residue. Can you help me spot the leak? The challenge has a hand-crafted AEAD scheme. We are required to go through 20 rounds of challenges, and this is how each round proceeds…
ångstromCTF 2021: Cache Money

I played ångstromCTF 2021 for @blackb6a to spend my Easter holiday. I solved most of the reverse and cryptography challenges alone. In particular, Cache Money is one of the harder crypto challenges that I spent more than one day dealing with. It is very rewarding, and eventually four teams ended up solving it.
This challenge reimplements the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) on 128, 192 and 256-bit keys. The encryptor is equipped with caches and we are given a service to encrypt (or decrypt) our messages. In short, there are four oracles provided by the service ( is the fixed secret key and ).
My Path of Binary Exploitation (1)