DiceCTF 2021 Writeup (I)

DiceCTF 2021 had an assortment of challenges and most of them are tough. Although the five crypto challenges which looked unoriginal, I was only able to solve garbled during the contest and I liked the challenges very much. After the CTF, I have found writeups from various sources and learnt a lot. In this writeup, only plagiarism and benaloh will be covered. However, I haven’t look at the remaining questions yet, and they are definitely on my to-do list.
justCTF 2020: Oracles

I was playing justCTF 2020 with the new CTFers in Yakitori (Firebird). Oracles is a fun cryptography challenge that I solved during the game, and I thought this is worth compiling the write-up.
hoifanrd’s osu! Challenge

This is a beginning of a new series of blog posts that I review CTF challenges those are not publicly accessible. Generally I will spend some time to solve the challenge while discussing with the author, and give some feedback of the challenge. To kick-start, let’s look at hoifanrd from Firebird CTF team has shared a challenge he created some days ago.
Firebird Internal CTF 2021 Writeup
I have written four question for Firebird Internal CTF - Oofbleck (Crypto), Obvious Transfer (Crypto), RC4 (Misc) and Prooof-ooof-Wooork (Reverse, Misc). I will be including all of them in this blog post.
TetCTF 2021: unevaluated
TetCTF is the first CTF I have played in 2021. I recalled from last year that they have cool challenges. This year, there are three crypto challenges. In particular, unevaluated is the hardest among them. Although I did not solve them, I dug into rabbit holes and had a lot of struggle, uh, fun.