BSides Ahmedabad CTF 2021 Writeup

BSides Ahmedabad CTF 2021 Writeup

No, we did not win. I see that coming and took a screenshot during the game.

BSides Ahmedabad CTF 2021 is organized by @zer0pts. That implies that players could spend a day happily working on the challenges. I enjoyed working on the challenges a lot. I’ll go through the harder crypto challenges and the reversing challenge called Collapsed License in this blog post.

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Factoring a special RSA modulus from ASIS CTF 2021 Quals

LagLeg is a crypto challenge in ASIS CTF Quals 2021. We are asked to factor a given nn with n=(r5+s)(r+s)n = (r^5 + s)(r + s) as part of the challenge. Hereby rr and ss are respectively 256 and 64 bits long. I think my approach used is very unique and creative - and definitely worth mentioning. It does not mean that it is a good approach, however.

I will record the exact steps I solved the challenge. However, I will update the bounds and prove the whole thing so that it looked more rigorous. The full code will be attached at the end of the blog post, too.

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pbctf 2021: Seed Me & Yet Another RSA

pbctf 2021: Seed Me & Yet Another RSA

I am playing as a part of @blackb6a this time for perfect blue’s annual pbctf. This time there are six crypto challenges and I first blooded 🩸 half of them. I solved five of them, and collaborated with TWY (who made 99% of the process) for Seed Me. In this blog post, I will cover Seed Me and Yet Another RSA. I tried to make the whole post beginner friendly, hence included more details than necessary.

I was originally going to discuss all of the crypto challenges, but I found it is too demanding and tiring.

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UIUCTF 2021: phpfuck

UIUCTF 2021: phpfuck
This is another time @blackb6a unites and plays UIUCTF together. It was my fourth time playing UIUCTF, and I still found the challenges fun. Although the crypto challenges are relatively easy, I had a lot of fun solving phpfuck with @02E774.
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Google CTF 2021 Quals Writeup

Google CTF 2021 Quals Writeup
This is me playing another Google CTF with @blackb6a, ending up on the 25th place. I aced the crypto challenges and solved some challenges with my teammates. I have a strong feeling that Black Bauhinia grown a lot between the two Google CTFs and I am often backed by my teammates this time. Anyway, I will be covering all of the crypto challenges in this blog post.
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