Google CTF 2024 (III): IDEA

Related key attack on reduced-round IDEA
IDEA is a challenge written by @0xdeuterium. He even provided me the paper to refer, my only contribution to the challenge is to optimize the original solution so that we don’t need 65K-ish oracle calls.
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Google CTF 2024 (II): ZKPOK

ZKPOK is a challenge I made while learning Zero Knowledge Proofs on I was watching the first lecture video, I came across with the interactive proof for quadratic residues at 20:00. This made me ponder - it should be easy to apply Fiat-Shamir transform to make this non-interactive. Let’s also use MD5 so that it could be vulnerable. Hours later, this challenge appeared without a proper solve script.
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Google CTF 2024 (I): Blinders

This is yet another edition of Google CTF, where I wrote some crypto challenges with my colleagues. I contributed on three challenges this time, namely, Blinders, ZKPOK and IDEA. There are respectively 56, 3 and 4 solves (out of 267 teams scoring non-zero flags) during the contest period.

Blinders is one of the challenges I coauthored, which introduces a protocol for private set membership.

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Google CTF 2023: MHK2

MHK2 is one of the challenges I coauthored for Google CTF 2023 and there were 18 teams solving this challenge during the contest time.
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H4CK1NG G00GL3 - Ep 005 Ch 002: Project Zero Adventure

Bleichenbacher strikes back again (and again)
H4CK1NG G00GL3 - Ep 005 Ch 002: Project Zero Adventure

HACKING GOOGLE is a documentary of Google’s cybersecurity teams and H4CK1NG G00GL3 is it’s CTF counterpart. Project Zero Adventure is a cryptography challenge I wrote.

In the game, the players control the Security Princess to dodge the obstacles and catch the bugs (a variant of Google Chrome’s dinosaur game). After that, the server will sign messages consisting of the players' name and the score via the /sign API. The players will then submit it to the /highscore API. If the score submitted to the highscore API is negative, they will be given the flag.

However, there is one catch: The server is only willing to sign the results with non-negative scores.

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Google CTF 2022: Maybe Someday

Google CTF 2022: Maybe Someday
This is the third year I had a writeup on Google CTF (see my writeup in 2020 and 2021). Yet this time it is the official writeup for a challenge - as the challenge author! There are eventually 35 solvers (out of 382 teams) for the challenge.
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Google CTF 2021 Quals Writeup

Google CTF 2021 Quals Writeup
This is me playing another Google CTF with @blackb6a, ending up on the 25th place. I aced the crypto challenges and solved some challenges with my teammates. I have a strong feeling that Black Bauhinia grown a lot between the two Google CTFs and I am often backed by my teammates this time. Anyway, I will be covering all of the crypto challenges in this blog post.
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Google CTF 2020: Oracle

I was teamed-up with @blackb6a on Google CTF this time. I have solved 7 challenges alone and 3 challenges with my teammates.

In particular, Oracle is a crypto challenge with 13 solves. It has got me spending 12 hours. All in all, it was a great experience in terms of learning, but my liver hurts. This piece of writeup may be very computation intensive, just because I would like to make everything clear.

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