BalsnCTF 2022 Writeup

BalsnCTF 2022 Writeup

vss is an interesting crypto challenge in BalsnCTF, which ended up having 9 solves. I took around 2.5 hours to solve the challenge. This challenge reminds me the yet another PRNG challenge from pbctf 2021, but with a setting which looked harder. I was pretty surprised that LLL worked, too.

lfsr is another crypto challenge in BalsnCTF with 6 solves. In the challenge, the output bits are computed nonlinearly from the LFSR states. Given that I knew almost nothing about LFSR, I just came up with the attack by myself… Well, I am not quite a paper guy and I couldn’t read.

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Google CTF 2022: Maybe Someday

Google CTF 2022: Maybe Someday
This is the third year I had a writeup on Google CTF (see my writeup in 2020 and 2021). Yet this time it is the official writeup for a challenge - as the challenge author! There are eventually 35 solvers (out of 382 teams) for the challenge.
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TSJ CTF 2022 (II): Signature

Breaking 256-bit ECDSA with $k = z \oplus d$ with only six signatures
Signature is a crypto challenge from TSJ CTF 2022, which ended up having two solves. From this challenge, we can see how ECDSA private keys can be recovered by having a (weak) deterministic ephemeral key, $k$.
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TSJ CTF 2022 (I): Cipher Switching Service

TSJ CTF 2022 (I): Cipher Switching Service

@blackb6a played TSJ CTF and CODEGATE CTF this weekend. Both of the CTFs had a bunch of epic (and hard-ish) crypto challenges, which made our head scratched for days.

We were two points behind @balsnctf few minutes before the game ends and I found one more flag. It is proud to tell that we won TSJ CTF 🎉!

Anyway, I will compile writeups for (at least) three challenges for TSJ CTF, namely Cipher Switching Service, Signature and Genie. I will go through Cipher Switching Service as the first part of the series.

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MOCSCTF 2022 Postmortem

@blackb6a helped preparing some challenges for MOCSCTF, a 8.5-hour long CTF in Macau. This time I wrote nine challenges and @hoifanrd made one of them (3-AES). This blog post covers the intended solution for all of them.
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