HKCERT CTF 2020 Postmortem

On August 2020, @blackb6a was invited to co-organize HKCERT CTF 2020 (which is held on November 2020) as one of the challenge authors. This is a CTF for secondary and tertiary students in Hong Kong. Although I had experience preparing CTFs earlier, this is actually the first CTF officially prepared by Black Bauhinia. I have written four challenges for this CTF - Sanity Check II (Web), LF2 (Reverse), Sign In Please (Crypto) and Calm Down (Crypto). There will also be some stories behind the scenes.
Aero CTF 2021 Writeup

This time I am playing alone for @blackb6a and had all the crypto challenges solved (and nothing else). I found the crypto challenges in many of the CTFs this year are worth-trying, and these are no exceptions. I ended up at the 9th place. By the way, @SuperGuesser is the first to solve for all of the crypto challenges. Can we nerf @RBTree_ and @rkm0959?
Union CTF 2021 (II): committee
We are given log.txt that contains the full commit history of the flag-containing repository. We are also given the content of the only file, namely flag.txt, for the first three commits. Also, three characters are filled in each subsequent commit. The objective is to recover the flag.
Union CTF 2021 (I): exah
I was playing Union CTF with @blackb6a last week. Since this CTF is prepared by cr0wn where Jack and hyperreality were in (they made CryptoHack), I am convinced that the CTF will be fun. Turns out I wasn’t disappointed at all. I will be writing three or four posts on the challenges, and the first of the series covers on exah, the reversing challenge I spent most of my time (yet not solving it).
kurenaif 1K Subscriptions Challenges

On 13 February, 2021, kurenaif has released five challenges celebrating the 1000-subscription in the YouTube channel. Being locked at home in Lunar New Year, I have nothing else to do. Therefore I decided to attempt those challenges, which is available on GitHub.